First things first.

My intent here is to write about convictions, assumptions, guessings about the world we live in, specifically the world I live in, within my own perspective. No productivity twitching, no rushing, no AI content manufacturing (been using some AI for the codes for quick fixes on shit I forgot about HTML, not gonna lie, hehe). Instead of grinding myself against the mass of opinions in real life or in the internet, I will grind my gears on my website. Sounds about right. I have no social media, no point in that, because the only thing good about socializing is the presence. Telecom is a bitch. A big, stinky, synthetic bitch. Dehumanizing. I don't feel human while typing on a keyboard because the world outside has nothing to offer to me right now. I don't feel like a created being, much less like an evolved animal. I feel like a gear box. The attitude of doing it, not what's going on inside my mind, of course. The picture of an organic being with lots of crazy functions and capabilities, just there, in front of a screen, typing shit. It's indeed an uneasy sight.

Reality out there is nasty, we all know that. For some reason, our mental capacity created most of the ghosts and nightmares that haunts us, the same problems, the same pointless worries, all of the bad stuff civilization has to offer us. Along with our creations, comes the immense backfire. But I'm not referring to questions of survival, but to common living. Living together, as humans. Our models of living post survival age. Human society. Nature itself has no backfire, because all of it's goodness and nastiness are already part of it. No animal beyond the human floods metros or bus stations, stomping each other to death. Their instinct wouldn't let them. Of course nature has some pretty bizarre shit, but in the end, the ecosystem prevails, even natural plagues has balancing purpose. Some people tend to blame a Creator for making the world such a miserable place. And us, so weak and misplaced. Whomever's to blame, we should have projected this whole shit better. Way better. Just think for a moment, how many good things could be done, how many possibilities. And yet, history of mankind chose the world we live in, this specific paradigm. To not address serious, fundamental problems, and to create silly comfort fixes for it's own disease. Everything to numb the ravaging mind, nothing to solve the actual fucking problem. The problem of not creating. The problem of masturbating. Work. Labor. Going in circles. Maintaining a human zoo. Cocksucking a collective monster. Not picturing a world where we thrive, rather then a world where we grind for the minute. Leaving art and reflection in the last of priorities, while shit like producing fucking phones and social diddling takes the first place. Throwing the possibility of enlightenment in the dumpster. Elevating pointless, optimistic effort to the thermosphere.

The point is, we have not only instinct, but also sense. The sense of things, a perception that does not require a rule book to know about. Some call it common sense, some call it good sense. In my opinion, it's none. It's sense. A first glance that tells us everything. The superficial layer of what's called the sixth sense, which would be a more developed way of this sense I'm talking about. A sense that makes us not be pissed by some random, minor stress in a line, for instance. This sense is called Reason. Not "reason", like the mental meltdown people throw themselves in, like overanalyzing itsy bitsy information. No. This is the best of the human life. The thing inside my head that tells me not to deal with some shit, or to deal with some other shit. It's somewhat similar to the Will of the thelemites, but not the same in a strict way. It's humanity itself. So let's be human. Let's dance in the mud, breathe some fresh air. Let's leave our rooms, our offices, and enjoy a bit of our own madness without curving our heads towards some ridiculous device.

This is the message for today.

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