Magic, Money and the Gnostic Paradigm

Well, here we are again. Let's talk about the problems and solutions revolving those two conflicting concepts: money and magic. First, note that normally I don't use the term 'magick'. I don't appreciate certain neologisms...I think it's kind of lame and unnecessary to fiddle with words just to please or manipulate the common perception (as in, "the real deal is Magick, folks...magic is what they do in theaters and viral videos on the internet"). Because certain subjects, such as Occultism, is not for the common thought. Not to the public eye, not to the popular attention. The thing that they do with cups, cards, saws and rabbits is, in my perspective, a form of illusionism, which is skillful and sometimes impressive, but irrelevant to me. The word is and always has been 'magic' and the practitioner is the 'magician'. Or the sorcerer. Or the witch, warlock, the monk and so forth. They all do some level of magical work. The term black magic can mean an awful lot of things, depending on who's mentioning it and that's also the case with the terms white magic or gray magic. To me, all magic is black, grey and white at some level. Some use to classify the three by relating each one with levels of density and intention. Evil and selfish works are black, good and selfless works are white, and the gray is a mixture of both, a gray area, if you will. I will constantly point out the sillyness of some types of terminology we seldom use as half-blind conscious beings. It isn't rare for us to get trapped in little conceptual compartments. Our whole collective culture relies very heavily on classifying types of humans, types of behavior, types of sexuality, types of magic, types of turd, types of any crap some random dude comes up with. Everytime some asshole changes their underwear, a new model or concept is created. Some brand new word box. This, folks, is called being fucking mentally lazy. We are humans. And we do not make any sincere effort to understand our condition. This conflict between supposed opposites is seldom object of my reflection. The problem with the common perception about opposites lies on the irrelevant and retarded new little ways of creating conflict. Linguistic conflict and, as a consequence, actual mental and physical conflict between people, nations, ideas, etc. Thus, the birth of the archetypal shadow as an unwanted counterpart of our egos. That applies both to the individual and the collective. The Tao Te Ching pictures these opposites as a mutual necessity. The cup can only be a cup because it has both the substance and the void. A receptacle. To mention sex, the intercourse with a female is only pleasurable to a man because of the vaginal canal. It has both the substance and the void. Even the male genitalia can only engage in intercourse because of the 'empty' spaces, tiny vessels inside it's tissue, so they can be filled with blood and only then become an object of sexual pleasure. Without the game of the opposites, as imprinted in nature itself, it is impossible for existence to come through. It would be impossible to the lake to be a lake weren't for the hole on the ground in which the water can accomodate itself. That harmony doesn't apply to bullshit humanity creates as a collective force. The difficulties, the incompatibilities, such as the ones I will mention here, the general unease that exists between us as a society, are all artificial. Resuming it roughly, we only do it to temporarily control phenomena and for money, another bastardized creation. Things that shouldn't exist will never become anything beneficial in the end. Abominant parallels of reality, contaminated by it's own source: the social state of mind. Ideologies, stereotypes, social models in general, are not supposed to be. Religions that dwell in sociology too much will lose it's mythical grasp. Most religions are lost in rules that only manage the material, immediate world. "But...aren't you advocating against duality?", you might ask. No, I respond. Dualism is the fucking status quo, our external world oozes dualism, we just grasp it like idiots and replicate it in more idiotic ways. One of these ways is in magic.

If you are an occultist or is interested in this subject, you must have already perceived how many people becomes 'interested' in it because of financial problems. Normally, we get up on our asses and do something when pain knocks on our door. The pain of not having enough, right? So, money sigils, chaos magic(k), Goetic daemons, pacts and such, are all very popular these days, not only because of the cloak of mystery revolving these subjects (and fairly enough, Occultism in general, hence the name), but because a lot of people believe that these practices will help them with material matters. Long story short: they won't! The whole point of becoming good at something is because of the plain and raw interest in it. Just like that. If I start lifting weights to get sexual partners, I will not become good at it. And if I get what I want, I will stop grinding on that because it was just a means, not an end. I started working with some specific field because of money. I will not become good at it, because my passion is placed somewhere else. Then of course, that's where normally people put their passions: somewhere else completely...we usually search for tools to get what we want, and fast, preferably, so we can get rid of that nasty itch or pain. So it is obvious that someone that simply wants to get money fast or even heal a disease fast enough, won't stop and study the principles behind the practice of a ritual. Some don't even bother knowing what are the meaning of the words and symbols of a certain ritual they are going to practice. Then, they get into more trouble after doing a sloppy job. Well, the truth is, the game was already rigged. And a sadder truth is, even if you were a capable practitioner, an initiate of sorts, you wouldn't see much material prosperity coming directly from magical work. Does it mean that the Right Hand Path practitioners got it right? There is no way spirituality can help you with material problems? Is this world really an imperfect mirror reflection of a higher realm that doesn't want anything to do with it? Is money necessarily wicked in all ways? Is magic forbidden to be executed for individual means? No. Not at all. First of all, no RHP doctrine is capable of exemplifying any sort of justice aftermath beyond "my Lord won't be pleased by it" or some other fear mongering way. A second point is that, what is called the Karma is nothing more than the justice enforced by your own consciousness, on yourself and on others. If money magic worked, let's say, by taking money from a person that needed it more than you and putting it in your pocket or bank account. Let's consider you didn't knew about it, you just got your result. Should you feel guilty because of it? Because you did a ritual and a shitload of money just popped into your account? An even better question: did you make this rule? If money today is nothing but numbers and algorithms, and governments even prints it, creating inflations and financial bubbles of all sorts, why would it have to be taken from someone to be given to you, even through magic? Then you understand that the problem isn't you, or wanting easy money, or that you indirectly exploited someone. The problem relies on who the fuck created this rule. Even if money magic didn't worked that way, but as some sort of manifestation. Some say you should focus on what you want to buy with the money, some say you should accept little amounts on that manifestation, etc. I have contacted magicians in real life that have developed the ability to communicate with various types of animals and command them solely through invocation. Not as robots, or instantly, of course. But seeing a dude attracting birds and frogs by whistling weird tones and telling a dog what to do like he's talking to a person on a span of three weeks of practice...that looked real fucking freaky to me, to say the least. That is a glance of what ceremonial magic can accomplish. Some experienced magicians can even send people to hospitals or accelerate their process of death. Now, the money magic problem: if magic can accomplish the fucking impossible by techniques, principles and, most importantly, unshaken will, why the hell do we have to be happy with crumbs as results when it comes to money? You can break the will and ego of a boss in your favor, but you can't summon a thousand bucks on your account? Magic can't deal with phony bullshit digital numbers? Oh, my friends, the problem lies on something a bit deeper. Persistent problems seldom do.

We've arrived at the scarcity rule. Beyond the rule of survival, beyond the rule of limited resources. I would firmly state that humanity has developed technology and knowledge more than sufficient to send these two rules to fuck all. With proper information any normally functioning human can surpass both. But the scarcity rule...this one is not only existent, but is (nearly) impossible to surpass. Why? Because the whole human society and establishment actively works, relentlessly and with zero rest, to guarantee it's existence. Money keeps being poured in and out many bank accounts, through various ways, ever in it's momentuum. Specially when it comes to illegitimate business, crime and corruption. Governments spending billions on bullshit every year. Corporations selling millions of crappy products every month. And half a million can't be summoned in your bank account even if you sacrifice a thousand goats to an ancient demon. With a simple honey jar, you can bend the ego of the most impossible person you know. But when it comes to resources, you get utterly cockblocked. There is an explanation to that. There is already sorcery in the financial system. I'm not talking about defense mechanisms of the system, such as bureaucracy, bank policies, surveillance and so on. I talking about literal magic. The main rulers of society are involved in secret societies, cabals, that is no novelty for anyone minimally informed. These groups are occultist groups. No need to mention them directly, since this isn't the purpose of this blog. You all know what the fuck I'm talking about. There are powerful astral and magical protection mechanisms around the financial system. Well, if the detainers of the whole worldwide financial engine are occultists, not the internet sort, but the 'several generations of initiates' sort, you could very well imagine they wouldn't be ignorant revolving the magical aspects of material fortune. It is in fact absurd to think that producing disease and destruction is so easy through magic and a simple thousand bucks so difficult to be summoned. It is because the interest of very powerful AND occultist groups are in keeping you poor and powerless for the sake of the atrition, not in keeping you safe and well. Because you, as a citizen, are nothing but expendable work force and milking cow to the whole functioning system. As above, so below. The energetic beings that supports them are supporting the way this world works. The engine of society is multi-layered and self replicating. You could think that the laws of magic are not in the hands of people, but ingrained in nature itself. Well, that is correct, originally, but you can observe that the process of civilizing humanity had multiple forces involved. In my opinion, the game as it is was meticulously build from these exchanges between bold, silent and powerful occultists, communication beacons between worlds, and the ever changing social structures we know of from history, being the moving forces of this endgame: a system of mutual dependance. It is the difference between visualizing an original rule of nature and the same rule after being tinkered and gradually claimed for a long long time. A similar concept can be grasped when imagining the difference between the untouched nature that was Europe ten thousand years ago and today's Europe. If such thing is 'allowed' or possible, I believe anything is. So, getting that out of the way, we now know that the reason that your money magic or that your 'pact' with Mamon or Clauneck hasn't made you a raging millionaire (in fact it may have made you even more miserable, since it's the case with most magicians) it's because there is already a very old counter-magic conjured by people much more powerful and resourceful than you. That, besides the entities guarding these prosperity fountains like trained dogs. So it's much more likely that you will get a huge backfire for doing any sort of money work. We are then obligated to deal with money the conventional way, working in the world, being forced to deal with our society's demand, thus, keeping us away from any in-depth study of magic or occultism by draining our time. The game is then revealed. If you don't dedicate yourself eight hours or more a day to getting money, you will starve. That can keep you away from all ways of getting profound knowledge about anything. Well, the greatest philosophers, writers, magicians and alchemists of history would be considered useless, jobless losers, irresponsible citizens, failed loners or 'incels', by today's standards. Then, the plan of turning humanity into cattle has worked with almost total prejudice. If your passion relies on anything other that what our current society expects from you, then it's better if you received a heritage and is willing to not let any of that go to further generations, because if not, you are living and dying at the margin, miserable, dependent and poor. So, if doing business and being an attention whore isn't for you, I'm sorry, but you ain't going anywhere. Gotta pay your bills. Gotta be useful, serving some random corporation's intent of making money or something like that. Or, gotta open some business and sell some shit you know it's shit, but people like it. And so on. If some individual's magic could manage to surpass the scarcity rule, then hell, the guy wouldn't sell the recipe for a billion bucks. Because with money pouring in, you wouldn't need to live through infinite layers of bullshit just to have some time to dedicate. I understand this isn't the case with some of you, but the general principle is the same. If you are not actively killing yourself to live, someone is doing it for you. Off to some of the Gnostic anti-cosmic interpretations on this, then.

Gnosticism became one of the most popular doctrines today, specially in current internet culture. Which is necessarily a bad thing, not for the internet, but for gnosticism and the purity of knowledge itself. Popularity is always detrimental, it contaminates everything. Internet culture has already done a fair damage not only to the ideas revolving gnosticism but to the very experience of Gnosis one might have. Fortunately, words are just words. While the human understanding can be contaminated, the metaphysical origin of things cannot be touched, at least not by the mass alone. But let's kill the spawn of infinite rant from the source right now. Summarizing it roughly, there's the conventional idea of gnosticism and anti-cosmic gnosticism. The anti-cosmic philosophy revolves around the Universe, or the World in an archetypal aspect, being the product of an evil entity's creation, being our Earth a farm or experiment managed by other evil assholes named Archons that made mechanisms to trap us in an never ending cycle of reincarnation and ignorance. This perspectve can change from view to view, in a sense that there is a liberator and an oppressor, roles changing when it comes to what or who is my favorite totem and who or what is my object of hatred. The 'RHP inclined' ones usually claims that the evil creator, the Demiurge, would be known as Yaldabaoth, Samael, Satan or even Lucifer according to some texts, while the actual God would be Jesus' Father, as depicted in the New Testament. This deity, the Monogod of christians, would be the liberator of humanity. Some refer to this absolute force as being the Leibniz' Monad or the Atman of hindus. LHP readings, as chaotic and disorganized as the RHP ones, often depicts Yahweh as the oppressor and Lucifer as the liberator. Some depicts Samael as the creator and tyrant, while worshiping his force, which doesn't make any sense to me. It's some sort of Left Hand Path that embraces the supposed tyranical order of cosmos as something to be praised. If the LHP is something other than breaking rules, limitations and ultimately liberating humanity, I don't want to be nowhere near this mentality. Nevertheless, the core of Hermetic philosophy as written in the Corpus Hermeticum does not picture Demiurge as being the baddie, or any specific totem other than human ignorance itself, which is, not surprisingly, the most reasonable perspective on all this. Once again, we need very few things other than the source of knowledge, being in this case the Corpus Hermeticum. Other than this, the immense amalgam of books and readings are nothing more than annexes to the real deal. It is much more likely to get lost in complexity or even fanatized when you start dwelling in parallel knowledge, contemporary thinkers, forks and sub-lores regarding to any specific doctrine. All of this only makes me despise naming and terminology even more. Honestly, I suspect that the majority of practitioners doesn't even know what they are worshiping, every doctrine became fucking lost in false rules and opinions. The stretching of humanity's directory has uttely damaged it's metaphysical collective brain. The almost unlimited access to various sources of information only made us more retarded in terms of understanding reality. The rituals we learn in books tend to contaminate our imagery even more. What is this I am calling to inhabit my soul? Further and further searching, you realize that we cannot fathom reality in almost any sense, having to do leaps of faith, hoping to get to solid grounds, expecting a palpable result. A feeling, a small glance at least. In the end, we are always scavenging for scraps, spiritual leftovers coated in a fabricated sense of respect and awe. The source itself, however, of that primal knowledge, couldn't possibly be grasped through intelectual effort, but by Gnosis itself. The numinous experience. Reading, explaining, talking or ranting...nothing reaches, nothing solves. Doctrines, formalities, initiations, symbolisms thrown to the wind, nothing more than fabrications, social gatherings for shallow purposes. When was the last time you were left alone and managed to reach the highest levels of inspiration? I guarantee that reading and practicing magic by the book have never done this for you, at least not while concerned with the exact recipes or with the purity of that information. I can guarantee that the only times you could do it was inside a trance that flourished from your own mind, from your very soul, often spontaneously. Doesn't matter if you were completely isolated in the woods or in a social gathering. If you are alone, but you mind wanders to people's bullshit, to problems, to others, to your day-to-day life, you are not really alone. If you're in a packed bus after a busy day, listening to some inspiring music for instance, and you let your soul off the cage inside your mind, and you reach that what is trying to contact you for ages, in the form of thoughts, feelings, images, visions, situations, even for a small moment, you have reached Gnosis. In this moment you were truly alone. If it is anti-cosmic or not, I'd rather believe it's more of a matter of momentary humor. Money is a problem if you haven't it, and a joy when you have it. Oh, the ape mind. I highly doubt anyone could be truly anti-cosmic, as well as a lover of cosmos every fucking day, consistently. That would be the epitome of narrow mindedness. Or indifference, which is not very different.

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